Explore the ways art and nature interact at Retreat Farm.
Join teaching artist Kate Milliken to explore family-focused art making.
This summer, we'll explore how art and nature interact at Retreat Farm. Most materials will be provided, and some we will forage from the enchanting Retreat Farm forest. We will be outside as much as possible, so please arrive prepared for all weather. In the event of unsafe weather, we will have access to an indoor space.
Sign up for all of the classes or pick activities that catch your eye. Drop-ins are always welcome, but advance registrations help us prepare materials.
Come prepared to get messy!
Outdoor Art Studio is presented by Retreat Farm and the Brattleboro Museum and Art Center.
In the Studio This Week
Wild Thing Crown Building
Join us in foraging wild materials to create the perfect crown for you. We will use basic hand tools and fasteners to construct our unique “wild things” crowns. Bring your curiosity and problem-solving skills to explore the world like a sculptor.