Membership FAQ

Questions about membership?

Hopefully, we’ve covered all of your questions below.

If you have a question we haven’t answered, please reach out to our team at or (802) 490-2270.


What does it mean to be a “member” at Retreat Farm?

Membership in an organization can mean many things, but to us, it means you belong here. Your membership and participation helps demonstrate that our property, programs, and events are needed and valued. It means you’ll receive emails and printed newsletters periodically. It is a sign that you care, that you appreciate the Farm, and that you want to be a part of the extraordinary community that is growing here.

If I signed up for a free or paid membership in the past, am I still a member this year?

Yes! Your membership will be automatically renewed each year, which means you’ll still receive our e-newsletters and printed updates, regardless of the year you initially signed up.

I’d like to make a donation. Can I contribute any amount?

Retreat Farm is dedicated to building a more equitable world, and we believe that this approach recognizes the spirit of generosity behind every donation instead of the dollar amount. We recognize that a $5 donation is as meaningful to some as a $500 donation is to others and value the intent and spirit of these contributions equally. We invite you to join us and experience the joy of helping build a better community at Retreat Farm. 

Do you have a suggested donation amount?

The suggested donation amount is $100 for a family of four. Please consider your yearlong access to our property and the community building work of Retreat Farm in your decision. Your donations are absolutely essential to caring for this property and running our programs.

If I donate, will I automatically become a member?

Yes, your donation is deeply appreciated and you are part of the Retreat Farm family. A donation of any amount triggers an automatic membership for you, as well as a Community Builder status. If you prefer not to receive print and email communications, please reach out to or (802) 490-2270