Buzz Schmidt: Building a legacy for Brattleboro and beyond
Photo: Lisa Whitney (Left), Buzz Schmidt (Middle), Kristin Sullivan (Right)
AFTER A DECADE OF SERVICE transforming and leading Retreat Farm, Buzz Schmidt has stepped down as president of Retreat Farm's Board of Directors, transitioning board leadership to Lisa Whitney.
When Schmidt first visited the Farm in 2013, he immediately saw the promise and potential of the neglected but otherwise magnificent historic property. With a clear vision of Retreat Farm as a "mother tree" institution for the community, Buzz founded the nonprofit Retreat Farm, Ltd. in 2015 — taking on the vast and complex task of transforming 500+ acres of forest, farmlands, waterways, and nine historic structures into a multifaceted anchor institution for Southeastern Vermont and Central New England.
He is a true visionary and has built a remarkable asset for Brattleboro.
"Buzz's love for Retreat Farm inspired him to pour his time, energy, and self into the Farm. Over the years, his enthusiasm and fortitude have challenged all of us to step into the possibility of this special place — bringing new opportunities, resources, and programming to Brattleboro. I can't imagine what the fate of this property might have been without Buzz's vision," shared long-time employee Lindsay Fahey.
Over the past ten years, Schmidt has volunteered his time and worked alongside the Farm's talented staff to restore the historic farmstead as a heritage site, transform Farmhouse Square from concrete paddocks into a community gathering space, put over 240 acres of land into organic agricultural practice, create education, recreational and cultural resources, nurture startup programs and nonprofits including the Atowi Project, cleared and rebuilt 10+ miles of trails for public use, and so much more.
From preserving the historic barns, lands, and waters to championing the restoration of the North Barn and the acquisition of the former Grafton Village Cheese Company facility, Buzz laid the groundwork for the mixed-use of Retreat Farm as a public resource and platform that supports the region's economic health.
Last October, Buzz began transitioning the organization's leadership by bringing on Dr. Kristin Sullivan as the new executive director. Buzz has continued as President of the Farm's Board of Directors for the past year, focusing on assuring a smooth executive transition and helping to build the board for the future.
"Now Buzz leaves incredibly big shoes to fill," said Sullivan. "He is a true visionary and has built a remarkable asset for Brattleboro and all of New England by bringing Retreat Farm to where it is today. It has been an honor to continue his legacy while shaping the Farm's future. Today, I am excited to work with Lisa Whitney in this new chapter. I am confident her commitment to community engagement and service will be an important asset that helps us build on the foundation Buzz, and our founding staff and board members have laid."
Lisa Whitney is a trained social worker, an active Brattleboro community member, and current Director of Campus Operations at the Winston Prouty Center in Brattleboro. "I am extremely excited to help shepherd the committed, talented, and highly competent Retreat Farm staff and board through this next phase of exciting growth. None of us would be here today without Buzz, and we'll honor his vision for and commitment to this place for a long time. There's no doubt that our current staff and board team will ride through this transition well together. Retreat Farm is an amazing asset, and we look forward to sharing even more of it with our community and region."
In honor of his tireless work and impact Buzz Schmidt was named Founder and President Emeritus.
Schmidt offered, "It has been my privilege to serve our community through Retreat Farm. The potential of this place to help create a more just, sustainable, and healthy community is unparalleled. With the North Barn and Food Center on the horizon and a well-established public common serving 80,000 visitors each year, I know Retreat Farm will continue to help build the regenerative capital for our community to thrive and serve as a model placed-based institution for rural communities nationwide. I'm leaving Retreat Farm in good hands and look forward to what's to come."
The board unanimously named Buzz Founder and President Emeritus in honor of his tireless work and impact. Those who want to honor Buzz are encouraged to donate to the Community Roots Fund to keep Retreat Farm's forests, trails, farmlands, and waterways free and accessible all year long. Gifts can be made online at or by contacting Kristin Sullivan at
Photos: Josh Steele Photography